Motor Vechicle Collision

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

This afternoon at 2:01 PM, we responded to a motor vehicle accident with overturn on Wellwood Avenue near Patton Avenue. One patient was transported by Suffolk County Police Department's helicopter to Stony Brook University Hospital while another patient was transported to a local area hospital by Ambulance 1-5-29 (both with serious injuries). Also on scene were Ambulance 1-5-8 & 1-5-10, Heavy Rescue 1-5-3 & 1-5-4, Engine 1-5-1, Fire Police 1-5-12 & 1-5-16, Support 1-5-23, First Responder 1-5-80, Fire Captain 1-5-51, and Assistant Chief 1-5-32. All units were under the command of Chief of Department Joe Iuzzini.

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